Follicular phase / inner spring

Including notes on the Follicular or preovulatory phase and menstruality concepts surrounding cycle days 7- 12.

Follicular or preovulatory phase is the transition from menstruation to ovulation (roughly second week of the cycle). Also known as inner spring, it relates to the beginning of any cycle; be it morning, our adolescent years, first trimester in pregnancy, the moon waning or plants sprouting ๐ŸŒฑ.

It's the phase of growing estrogen, which also means growing strength, energy and extraversion. Emotionally, it's connected to frustration and impatience, which makes sense due to it's transitionary nature - we can't just flip a switch from being all introverted in bed at menstruation, to hopping about in the world at ovulation ๐Ÿ˜….

Follicular phase has a sense playfulness, innocence and optimism, but all the possibility can also trigger anxiety in some of us. It's represented by the element of wood, which stands for growth and the upper movement of energy; as well as the archetype of maiden, which is described as unburdened, vital, impressionable, sensitive and fun.

CD7: Slow starts

Do you know that time in the early spring (at least in the northern Hemisphere) when it's suddenly sunny and plants start to pop out of the ground and we're optimistically starting to dress too lightly and sit on the ground too soon? I hear it's called Fools spring and it's often followed by another hit of frost that destroy the new shoots. Or perhaps it's April's gloomy rainy season, or that odd, late snow over Easter. ๐ŸŒ‚ In any case, I can often experience something similar in my early inner spring too. It might not happen exactly on cycle day 7, but it's not uncommon in the beginning of the follicular phase.

A newfound energy rising, suddenly interrupted by a day when I just can't drag myself to the office, socialise or tick anything off the to-do list ๐Ÿ˜’. Just because the estrogen is rising, it doesn't mean there aren't hiccups on the way -> especially if you are starting too fast! Remember frustration and impatience, the two emotions connected with the follicular phase? ๐Ÿ˜… So here's a reminder that growth isn't always linear and to take it slower than you usually do, if you find yourself tired at this point of the cycle.


CD8: On feeling โ€œgirlyโ€

Around cycle day 8 I start to get this sense of being visible in the world, and it can feel like I'm dusting off debris and enjoy being presentable again ๐Ÿ’…OK, so I didn't want to make these pink, floral illustrations with lipsticks flying around - like an outdated visual branding from some menstrual care products corporation that talks about "feminine hygiene" as if we are all some gross little girls that need to be patronised and sold to. However, my authentic experience of this part of the cycle does have some of that *girly* vibe, which used to feel "not me", but now I am learning to reclaim and honor it.

What I'm figuring out is, that leaning into this light, easy and fun energy can bring in some balance to the dark, heavy and often moody premenstrual phase & menstruation.

CD9: Play & hobbies

At this point of the cycle I am not particularly introspective and prefer doing over contemplating. I can work and have fun, I crave workouts, I'm happy to meet up, but donโ€™t want a fully packed schedule. I'm open to experiment with different ideas but I'm not in the mood (yet) to commit to or finish anything. I'm definitely not peak productive and social, so a bit of everything in good measure is right for me ๐Ÿƒ. It's known that the inner spring can bring out the adolescent version of yourself ๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™€๏ธ. In my case, this reminds me of browsing bookstores, libraries and museum gift shops, watching comedy, going to the cinema, enjoying the city, sitting in cafes, being outside, playing sports and laughing with friends. Itโ€™s a good time to embrace hobbies, socialise and play!


CD10: Perfectionism

There's this saying "nothing will ruin your twenties as much as the idea that you should have it all figured out", and the same goes for the start of any creative project as well as your follicular phase. These are the times to try, to play, to experiment and switch things up - not to get stuck up on the details, how you'll finish it and sometimes even sharing about it.๐Ÿ“ฃ

There's a paragraph from Period power that I like, and it goes: "are you able to live with a little childlike naivety in your Spring, or do you come down hard on yourself and act as an overbearing (๐Ÿป) parent might? When comparing the menstrual cycle to the life cycle, your Spring equates to your childhood and teen years and in the same way you canโ€™t rush a child, you canโ€™t rush in your Spring. Rushing in your Spring can take on the quality of growing up too soon, of getting serious too quickly and missing out on the explorative play where itโ€™s okay to mess things up and get it wrong." ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ”ฌ

D11: Female circle

This is the point of the cycle where I enjoy socialising, when I'm more extraverted, goofy and energetic. I am also noticing that I feel attuned with and pulled towards other women in my life and particularly enjoy a sense of sisterhood. A bit contradictory to that, I feel a growing buffer between myself and the world and feel less vulnerable to it, which is what enables me to pay more attention to others instead of being preoccupied with taking care of my own sensitivities. ๐Ÿ˜…

It's a good time of the cycle to be in the world and catch up with everyone, especially if you are the kind of person (like me!) that requires lots of retrospective solitude otherwise.


CD12: Estrogen & lack of focus

In the first half of the cycle, the momentum is picking up, energy is rising, estrogen is peaking and gearing towards ovulation. This growing energy can feel overwhelming and it's easy to get distracted by everything. ๐Ÿคช

Some great advice from Period power: "If estrogen messes with your ability to work, and you canโ€™t sit at your desk for a minute longer, try working in short fast paced bursts, take breaks to walk around your office or go outside when youโ€™re on a break, speak to colleagues about projects, and have lunches with clients to fulfil your need to move and socialise." ๐Ÿ‘ฏโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Pick something towards the end of your follicular phase to focus on for the rest of the cycle. Decide how you will spent the visible, action taking part of inner summer (doesn't need to be work!). As this is the point we are the least connected to our intuition, it's smart to remind ourselves what serves us. 


Menstrual phase / inner winter


Ovulatory phase / inner summer